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La Conférence surprise de Nintendo of America...

Nintendo of America a participé à une interview avec la chaîne financière Bloomberg. Peter Main, George Harrison et Peter MacDougall ont répondu aux questions des journalistes et parlé des ventes de Big N sur la période de Noël...

Vous vous en rendrez compte bientôt sur PN, le mois de janvier est un moment idéal pour regarder ce qui s'est passé l'année précédante. Cette fois-ci, Nintendo ne remonte néanmoins pas trop dans le temps et nous propose de s'intéresser à ses ventes au cours des Fêtes 2001...

On apprend ainsi que Nintendo a vendu, à l'échelle de la planète, quelques 2.1 millions de GameCube. NOA espère ainsi vendre 25 millions de machines aux Etats-Unis d'ici 5 ans. Pour mémoire, le parc de Nintendo 64 est de 20 millions de machines.

Quand on leur demande pourquoi Minoru Arakawa part si vite, nos trois compères expliquent que le départ de leur Président était connu depuis l'été dernier.

Les ventes de jeux GameCube dépassent celles de jeux XBox. D'ailleurs, Super Smash Bros Melee s'est mieux vendu que n'importe quel jeu XBox.

Ce sont des nouvelles globalement bonnes. Dommage que Nintendo ne se soit pas fait un malin plaisir de jeter de l'huile sur le feu concernant les chiffres de ventes de la console. Même si on en sait un peu plus sur les chiffres mondiaux, on en sait pas combien de machines ont vraiment trouvé preneur aux Etats-Unis...

Concernant l'intéraction NGC/GBA, Sonic sera le premier jeu à exploiter la connectivité entre les deux machines.

Nintendo of America a bien entendu beaucoup parlé de Game Boy Advance, mais c'est sur Puissance Pocket que vous pourrez lire cette info ! Heureusement qu'on est sympa le matin et qu'on vous offre le lien dont vous avez tant besoin !!!
>>> Quoi de neuf aux USA ?

Source: Planet GameCube

[Update 1] Le transcript anglais de la conférence.

Eh bien on a finalement pu traduire cette interview dans les heures qui ont suivi la mise en ligne de son tanscript ! Ne manquez pas cette traduction effectuée par Vomiaouaf en cliquant ici !!!

Peter Main introduction

For NOA, this holiday season was possibly our best ever. All Nintendo hardware, including handheld's beat all Sony hardware by 27% in November. Overall Nintendo was responsible for 50% of hardware sales in the entire industry through November.

In fact, 2001 was an amazing year for the entire industry. While TV sales decreased by 10% and Camcorder sales decreased by 9%, videogame sales have actually increased by a massive 44%.

Peter McDougall

In North America, 1.3 GameCube units shipped and 1.2 sold.
In Japan, 1.3 units shipped from launch to year end, sold 90%

Preliminary data shows SSBM outselling any Xbox title in December. Pikmin also in the top 10. GameCube software sales were higher Xbox software sales in December. Nintendo was the biggest publisher during November and expects to still be the biggest through December. Pokemon Crystal was the best Game Boy seller in November.

George Harrison

First task is to build base of GBA and GC systems. If post-Christmas sales remain at current levels NOA will be living hand to mouth for a considerable time to come.

NBA Courtside marketing campaign starts next week.

Super Mario Advance 2 launches on February the 11th and will be the first major GBA game for the first quarter.

We'll also see the first form of connectivity with Sonic. This will jut be the tip of the ice berg.

Will have a constant supply of quality GBA games and Pokemon Advance should be out by the end of the year.

GameCube will also have great titles in 2002, such as Mario, Zelda, Star Fox Adventures, Eternal Darkness and many third party games. There's already at least 70 games planned for release before the end of the year.

Peter Main

Minoru Arakawa has been pondering leaving since the Summer. He is looking forward to travelling with his wife Yoko, spending time with kids and building a home in the Island of Maui. His contribution to the videogames industry in America cant be over-stated. He will undoubtedly be remembered as the father of the videogames industry in this country. Innovations today introduced by him including his quality of software.

Tatsumi Kimishima has spent over seven years previously in US working. Very decisive leader, quick thinker. Tatsumi Kimishima is well prepared to make Nintendo a stronger player in the industry.

Tatsumi Kimishima has spent more than seven years with NCL. He's a very decisive leader and a quick thinker. He is well prepared to make NOA an even stronger player in the videogames industry.

Q&A with Peter Main

Q: You spoke about GBA-GC connectivity but what about online connectivity?

A: We clearly address the question of future potential for either 56k or Broadband. We're not prepared today to talk about those precise applications. We're excited about what well could be a 10 billion industry in the next 12 months based on plug and play. We really intend to take advantage of that. We're going to show more of our GBA/GC link-up as our one-two punch adds even more power.

Q: What market share on your own system is Nintendo targeting this time around and how has it changed?

A: Maintain market share with under twelve's and keep good relationship with 12 to 17 year olds. Unquestionably broadened our focus to the 18+ crowd. As to share we pointed out in previous reviews this generation could see 55 to 60 million hardware units. A number of just under 50 million. With 20 million with N64 we want to drive numbers to 25 million+

Q: When will GameCube launch in Europe?

A: All we can confirm at this moment is early Spring.

Q: What are the GBA tie ratio's?

A: 4.1 tie ratio on GBA and GBC combined. Zelda and Pokemon titles continue to sell well.

Q:When will Mario Sunshine be released in America??

A: A date should be revealed at E3.

Q: Third parties are making mature GameCube software but what are the first and second parties doing to get average age of GameCube owner up?

A: As you know, 60% of videogame players are over. First, second and third parties are looking to help push the average age up. Can't say much but there is plenty of activity on our part. We think we had a good start with Star Wars which performed extremely well with older gamers. NBA Courtside ships next week, an internal sports title being released this early in the life cycle is further proof of us appealing to older gamers.

Q: Is Yamauchi still retiring?

A: There's always been speculation but we don't know. You'll have to ask him.

(source CloudChaser Nintendo)

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